Quick Guide:
  • Obtain the ADM
  • Use the ADM to Dive into the submerged part of the Ruins of Void
  • Traverse the Claydol Maze
  • Defeat Aklove for the final time
  • Unlock the Mission Location Tracker and New Game+

The Advanced Digging and Diving Machine

Aklove’s letter / Pokémon Unbound
Aklove’s letter

When you become Champion of the Pokémon League, your journey isn’t over yet.

Aklove kidnaps your mother and takes her to an area of the Ruins of Void you previously couldn’t get to – the depths, whose entrance is underwater.

To go underwater, you’ll need the ADM – the Advanced Digging and Diving Machine – and HM05 Dive.

The Seaport City Shipyard / Pokémon Unbound
The Seaport City Shipyard

There’s only one place you can get the ADM, and that’s the Shipyard in Seaport City.

It’s just east of the KBT Expressway entrance, in the northeast part of town (pictured above).

A hefty price / Pokémon Unbound
A hefty price

Captain Davy previously told you that he only sells these things to important people – and since you’re Pokémon Champion, you can’t get much more important than that.

But that doesn’t stop him from charging you a lot of money for it. P250,000 is his price.

The ADM is worth the money though, because it not only enables you to explore new areas, but also adds convenience to using HMs.

The ultimate in HM tech / Pokémon Unbound
The ultimate in HM tech

To use a HM like Cut or Rock Smash, you would normally have to have at least one Pokémon in your party capable of using the move. With the ADM, that’s no longer necessary.

You can now use Dive in areas with deep water, and Dig in underground or underwater tunnels.

With that key piece of equipment acquired, fly to the Ruins of Void.

Ruins of Void – Exterior (Submerged Access)

(Click for full-size)
Ruins of Void exterior map (partial)
Ruins of Void B3F
Ruins of Void B2F
Ruins of Void Submerged Floor (South)
Ruins of Void Submerged Floor (Southeast)
Ruins of Void Submerged Floor (East)
Ruins of Void B1F Claydol Maze

TM48 Skill Swap
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
(Old Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Good Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
(Super Rod)
Arriving at the Ruins / Pokémon Unbound
Arriving at the Ruins

When you arrive on the landing platform, climb the rocks to the left of the cave entrance. They’ll take you to the first ledge level.

The path to the Dive area / Pokémon Unbound
The path to the Dive area

Go west along the ledge until you see another spot for you to climb the rocks down.

A deep patch of water / Pokémon Unbound
A deep patch of water

You’ll be back down at water level, and you’ll see an A-shaped deep patch of water just to the west of you.

Using the ADM / Pokémon Unbound
Using the ADM

Surf over to the deep patch and press A – you’ll be prompted to dive beneath the waves.

Ruins of Void – Submerged Floor

(Click for full-size)
Ruins of Void submerged floor map
Points of Interest
Dynamax Toxapex (Post-Aklove)
Ancient Tablet
Ruins of Void Exterior (South)
Ruins of Void Exterior (Southeast)
Ruins of Void Exterior (East)

Red Shard
Sea Salt
Blue Shard
Yellow Shard
Green Shard
Sea Shell
Green Shard
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon
The ADM submarine / Pokémon Unbound
The ADM submarine

It seems the ADM transforms itself into a red mini sub!

In this underwater section, as with the others in Routes 14, 16, and 17, you’ll see collapsed cave entrances. If you interact with them, you’ll be prompted to Dig and will be treated to a version of the Crater Town KBT Expressway digging minigame.

For now, pilot the sub east.

Pass by a cavern entrance / Pokémon Unbound
Pass by a cavern entrance

You will soon pass an opening to the north. This leads to the lair of a Dynamax Toxapex, but it won’t be there until you defeat Aklove.

Keep going east, through a narrow gap.

Another ascension point / Pokémon Unbound
Another ascension point

The patch of sunlight on the seafloor indicates a place where you can resurface – it’ll lead to another closed-off part of the Ruins of Void exterior and will have a TM for you to collect.

Ignore or explore if you like, and if you want to move on, go north through another narrow passage.

The narrow passage / Pokémon Unbound
The narrow passage

Keep going through the narrow passage, and it will soon widen.

The final ascension point / Pokémon Unbound
The final ascension point

When the passage gets wider, you’ll see another point where you can ascend to the surface.

The way north leads to an ancient tablet, solved by the Toxapex you can defeat later on.

Surface to the Ruins again / Pokémon Unbound
Surface to the Ruins again

Press B in the middle of the patch of sunlight and you’ll return to the surface.

The entrance to the Claydol Maze / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to the Claydol Maze

When you resurface, you’ll be right next to the entrance to a new part of the ruins.

Head on inside.

Ruins of Void – Claydol Maze

(Click for full-size)
Claydol Maze map
Points of Interest
Dusclops Maze Gate
First Gate Switch
Second Gate Switch
Third Gate Switch
Fourth Gate Switch
Ruins of Void Exterior
Ruins of Void Aklove’s Chamber

Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon

This area is similar to the maze filled with Dusclops earlier, and it resembles the stealth puzzles in the Crater Gym and the Ferrothorn Turf.

Entering the Maze / Pokémon Unbound
Entering the Maze

The maze is filled with moving Claydol. If they spot you, they’ll teleport you back to a checkpoint and you’ll need to try that section again.

The first gate, with its switch next to it / Pokémon Unbound
The first gate, with its switch next to it

There are five switches in the maze – four are required to be activated to move forward to the end.

The odd one out is the switch in the far southeast, which will open up a section that was previously blocked off on B3F, with all the Dusclops.

Ignore that for now and walk west from the entrance. You’ll see the first gate and the first Claydol to avoid. The switch is in the passage just to the left of the gate.

Once that first gate is open, head north and you’ll see another patrolling Claydol.

The second Claydol / Pokémon Unbound
The second Claydol

Go right at the junction.

The second switch / Pokémon Unbound
The second switch

Pull the second switch here, then return to the junction, hopefully avoiding the Claydol along the way.

The way will be clear to continue west and then south along the passage.

Past the second Claydol / Pokémon Unbound
Past the second Claydol

There’s a third Claydol patrolling here, so use the gap in the eastern wall to hide when you can.

The third Claydol and the intersection / Pokémon Unbound
The third Claydol and the intersection

There will be an intersection next, with a path to the west and a path to the south.

Go south first.

The third switch / Pokémon Unbound
The third switch

It’ll lead to a third switch, which you’ll need to activate to proceed.

With that done, go back to the intersection.

Taking the west passage / Pokémon Unbound
Taking the west passage

Avoid the Claydol again and go west from here.

The fourth sentry / Pokémon Unbound
The fourth sentry

The path will snake around, with a fourth Claydol here to keep you on your toes.

This one is a little tricky to get past – you’ll have to time it exactly so you can slip past at the top corner just as the Claydol changes direction.

More gaps in the wall / Pokémon Unbound
More gaps in the wall

Once you’re through that, there’s yet another Claydol sentry you will need to slip past. There are two gaps in the wall along this passage that should allow you to do it.

The second gap in the hallway and the fifth Claydol / Pokémon Unbound
The second gap in the hallway and the fifth Claydol

When you get through that section, you’ve only got two switches left to pull.

A bigger gap / Pokémon Unbound
A bigger gap

Head west and you’ll see another intersection, past a large wall gap.

The fourth switch and the sixth Claydol / Pokémon Unbound
The fourth switch and the sixth Claydol

The switch that opens the way forward is in the west passage, and after activating it you’ll be free to go north.

Just be aware that the sixth and final Claydol here has a long patrol path.

The final gate / Pokémon Unbound
The final gate

There’s only one more switch to go, and it’s at the end of the tunnel that points northeast.

The final switch / Pokémon Unbound
The final switch

Flip it, then head back to the area with the ladder.

Dynamax Claydol Battle

One last obstacle / Pokémon Unbound
One last obstacle

There’s another Claydol here, but it’s not a mere sentry. This one you’ll need to fight, and in a Dynamax Battle too.

Dynamax Battle
(level scaled)
The way up is clear / Pokémon Unbound
The way up is clear

If you manage to defeat it, there’s now nothing between you and Aklove but a ladder.

Final Showdown with Aklove

You’ll see that Aklove has captured not only your mother, but also Jax’s grandfather Arthur and the son of Zeph.

Aklove has captured a lot of loved ones / Pokémon Unbound
Aklove has captured a lot of loved ones

There’s a healing Chansey in the eastern part of the room if you want a bit of a refresh.

A final double battle / Pokémon Unbound
A final double battle

When you go to confront Aklove, Jax rushes in and you’re asked to pick three Pokémon to use in a Double Battle alongside Jax’ Staraptor, Magnezone, and Golurk.

Aklove Final Showdown
(Double Battle)


After You Win

Marlon comes with the cops / Pokémon Unbound
Marlon comes with the cops

After defeating Aklove for the final time, Marlon arrives with the police to throw him in jail for good.

Finally, the main story quest is over / Pokémon Unbound
Finally, the main story quest is over

And with that, this small section of the post-game story is complete.

Your Mom advises you to rest, and the credits roll for a second time.

The second credit roll / Pokémon Unbound
The second credit roll

The credits are unskippable, but worth watching again.

Completing this unlocks a few things / Pokémon Unbound
Completing this unlocks a few things

After defeating Aklove, you’ll now have access to New Game+, which comes with its own set of rules.

In addition, your Mission Log got a very welcome addition to it.

The locations of remaining missions / Pokémon Unbound
The locations of remaining missions

Now, Missions you have not yet obtained show up as question marks in the log, with the location and face of the mission starters displayed.

This will be helpful in mopping up all the post-game missions that have emerged after defeating the Pokémon League.

And that’s not all – once you’ve seen the credits and explored the new features, go back to the chamber where you beat Aklove to pick up that item that was next to him – a Primarium Z.

The last reward / Pokémon Unbound
The last reward

So with that, the main story of Pokémon Unbound finally comes to an end.

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