Quick Guide:
  • Enter the KBT Expressway
  • Defeat the Black Emboar
  • Obtain the Motorcycle
  • Challenge the Crater Town Gym
  • Confront the Shadow Boss
  • Obtain HM01 Cut

The KBT Expressway

The Expressway / Pokémon Unbound
The Expressway
Wild Pokémon

Wild Pokémon

Black Emboar Goon A
Black Emboar Goon B
Black Emboar Goon C
Black Emboar Goon D

The entrance to the KTB Expressway is to the north of Crater Town, and you’ll need to go in there to look for a man’s missing brother.

The Expressway is a massive tunnel system that connects most towns in Borrius, though only a few parts are open to you at the moment.

The Black Emboar don’t like us being in here / Pokémon Unbound
The Black Emboar don’t like us being in here

This section is crawling with biker thugs that call themselves the Black Emboar, and you’ll have to fight through a bunch of them one by one to proceed.

The first Gem Family member you can encounter / Pokémon Unbound
The first Gem Family member you can encounter

Along the way you’ll see a man in a juggler costume that calls himself a Gem Family member. These are move trainers that teach your Pokémon powerful moves in exchange for a number of specific type Gems.

More on that later, after the Black Emboar problem is taken care of.

Mining Minigame

Just a little further ahead you’ll see a worker who will offer to lend you his tools to mine for items. He’ll need P1000 every time.

You can pay to mine in this section / Pokémon Unbound
You can pay to mine in this section

The key here is to break as much of the rock using the hammer and pick tools before the wall collapses.

The crack in the top of the interface will grow with every hit, so be careful.

The mining minigame / Pokémon Unbound
The mining minigame

If you’re lucky, you can uncover Hard Stones, Heart Scales, Everstones, Revives, any of the evolution Stones, and a few more assorted goodies.

Once you’re finished with the mining minigame, continue north until you see an intersection.

Black Emboar Boss – James

James is big, brawny, and the Boss / Pokémon Unbound
James is big, brawny, and the Boss

Speak to the big man here and he’ll reveal himself as James, the boss of the Black Emboar.

He’ll immediately challenge you to a battle to test your worth.

Black Emboar Boss James
Alolan Grimer

When you beat him, he’ll be so impressed that he’ll name the gang after you.

When you ask him about your mission, he’ll tell you that he’s actually the brother the man is looking for!

James is actually the missing brother / Pokémon Unbound
James is actually the missing brother

You go back to Crater Town together to confront his brother, who was just worried he was getting himself into too much trouble.

James says that his gang is off to Antisis City to take up residence there, and has a parting gift for you.

The Motorcycle is the same as the Bicycle from other games / Pokémon Unbound
The Motorcycle is the same as the Bicycle from other games

You’ll get your very own Motorcycle, which you can assign to the Select button from the Cube menu.

Not only will it be much faster than the Running Shoes, but wild Pokémon encounters are reduced while riding it. Very handy.

Moving Forward

Now that the Black Emboar are gone, the KTB Expressway opens up as a bit of a shortcut for you to use. At the moment though, the only towns you can access through it are Dresco Town and Frozen Heights.

There are also four Gem Family members in the tunnel you can get to if you’d like to:

Gem Family Move Shops
Move Screenshot Location
Cross Poison
2 Poison Gems
North of the Crater Town Entrance
Power Whip
4 Grass Gems
Along the Dresco Town tunnel (east of the Boss James fork)
3 Dark Gems
Along the Blizzard City/Frozen Heights tunnel (north of the Boss James fork)
Triple Axel
3 Ice Gems
Along the Frozen Heights tunnel (north and east of the blocked Blizzard City exit)

With that out of the way, it’s time to head to Crater Gym to get your next badge.

Crater Gym – Vision Badge

Crater Gym / Pokémon Unbound
Crater Gym

The Crater Gym is in the northeast quadrant of Crater Town, in the lower ring.

It is very dark in the Gym / Pokémon Unbound
It is very dark in the Gym

The Crater Gym is focused on Dark-types, and it shows – the interior is completely pitch black.

The Guide inside tells us that defeating trainers here will increase your visibility, so that’s your first task.

Tip: Dark-type moves are super-effective against Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokémon, so avoid using those. However, Dark-type Pokemon are weak against Fighting-, Bug-, and Fairy-type moves.

One more thing – your Pokémon will be taking damage every turn by the Dark energy in this place, unless they’re Dark-type, Ghost-type, or have an ability such as Magic Guard, Unaware or Oblivious.

Gym Trainers
Youngster Dixon
Scientist Dilweed
Medium Lyssa
Gentleman Clemonce
The area to the east of the Guide has the trainers you need to beat / Pokémon Unbound
The area to the east of the Guide has the trainers you need to beat

From the entrance, follow the right corridor until you encounter some trainers. Youngster Dixon and Scientist Dilweed are on their own, but if you step in the middle between Medium Lyssa and Gentleman Clemonce, they’ll fight you together in a Double Battle.

If you don’t want that, talk to them separately.

Once those four trainers are defeated, your circle of visibility will be much larger than before.

Then go back to the Guide at the start of the gym and head into the passage behind him.

Crater Gym Sneaking Puzzle

The next section can be tricky / Pokémon Unbound
The next section can be tricky

Do you like stealth puzzles?

Well, like it or not, this section is one.

Follow the corridor left until you see a female trainer run past and then go back – when her back is turned, follow her. Then hide in an alcove to the south while she passes by.

The same goes for a boy trainer doing the same thing further down the path. If you’re caught at any point, you’ll be sent back to the beginning.

Caught and sent back to the beginning / Pokémon Unbound
Caught and sent back to the beginning

After you get past those two NPCs, there’s a bit of a checkpoint before you have to sneak past two more trainers.

None of these paths should be challenging if you study their movements.

Then there’s two more trainers after that, including a sneaky cameraman, but you will eventually make it to the Gym Leader’s room.

Crater Gym Leader – Vega

Vega takes himself a little too seriously / Pokémon Unbound
Vega takes himself a little too seriously

The Crater Gym Leader is a very edgy type of person, and you’ll have to beat him to get that Vision Badge.

No real tricks here, although the moves of his Pokémon will probably make yours flinch often.

Tip: The table below is only for Vega on Vanilla mode. If you want to see his team comp at a higher difficulty level then visit our Crater Town Gym page here.
Gym Leader Vega
Your prize for beating Vega / Pokémon Unbound
Your prize for beating Vega

After You Win

If you manage to defeat him, Vega will give you the Vision Badge as well as TM46 Thief.

Tip: Several missions in Pokémon Unbound – including the one you picked up in Flower Paradise – require you to take items from Pokémon. You can do this by catching them, or you can steal them using moves like Thief.

With Vega defeated, you will notice that the Shadow Grunts have moved away from the southern exit of Crater Town.

Oops, it’s a trap / Pokémon Unbound
Oops, it’s a trap

Unfortunately, it’s too good to be true – as soon as you try to leave town from that exit you’re ambushed by a bunch of Grunts and taken to Cinder Volcano.

Shadow Battles

Your chance to meet the Shadow’s leader / Pokémon Unbound
Your chance to meet the Shadow’s leader

The leader of the Shadow, a man named Zeph, is here – along with Ivory who was the one who captured Moltres.

Ivory challenges you to a battle straight away.

Shadow Admin Ivory

Ivory isn’t too tough if you’ve been training your Pokémon evenly.

After she’s been defeated, Zeph will declare that he will take care of you once and for all.

Zeph wants to take care of you himself / Pokémon Unbound
Zeph wants to take care of you himself

Zeph has only one Pokémon, and Ivory warns him against trying to beat you with it. However, he ignores her.

Shadow Boss Zeph

He’s shocked when you beat his Houndoom, but doesn’t have too much time to react.

An earthquake hits the volcano, and a Shadow Grunt reports that a massive monster has appeared from below.

The Shadow quickly leave, and you’re left on our own – but a strange Pokémon appears, and shoves us through a portal to safety.

Shoved into a portal again / Pokémon Unbound
Shoved into a portal again

You arrive in the southern KBT tunnel south of Crater Town, where you were trying to go in the first place!

Getting HM01 Cut

The Hiker here gives you your first HM / Pokémon Unbound
The Hiker here gives you your first HM

Apparently the way forward to Thundercap Mountain and Zapdos is blocked by a rockfall, and we need HM06 Rock Smash to clear it.

The Hiker knows someone who can give it to you, but they live in Blizzard City. The only way to get to Blizzard City from here is through the cave in the very center of Crater Town.

And that cave is blocked by a small tree…

But luckily for you, the Hiker gives you HM01 Cut!

Tip: HMs in Pokémon Unbound work differently than other Pokémon games. If you have a Pokémon capable of learning the move in your party, you don’t actually have to teach them the move for them to use it. This frees up a lot of space in your team’s moveset for more useful and powerful moves in teams.

Optional: Backtracking for Extra Items

Having Cut opens up a few areas in routes you’ve already been to as well. So if you’d like to backtrack for some extra goodies, here’s a list of where to go:

Cut Backtracking Locations
Route 5
Raid Den
(hidden grotto)
Moon Stone
Zygarde Cell
TM09 Bullet Seed
Route 4 East
TM66 Payback
Route 2
TM112 Round

Entering Valley Cave

The entrance to Valley Cave / Pokémon Unbound
The entrance to Valley Cave

Valley Cave is your next destination, and cutting the small tree at the bottom of the crater will get you there.

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